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DAX Roles

Access to DAX data is based on role. The three categories of access are 1) Report based, 2) Data based, and 3) Specialty roles. Report based roles have access at varying levels to predefined reports, including the definitions and limits used to create the reports. Data based roles have varying levels of access directly to their college’s raw data, including the ability to create custom queries. Specialty roles have varying level of access, including specialty access for specific responsibilities.

Three roles are required at each college and are marked by an * below.

Data Roles
 Data Access As the most limited data role, users with this level of access will have permission to view reports with drilldown details and the ability to view and create custom queries on raw data. Examples: Institutional Research, Dean level positions, grant writers.
 Data Maintenance This role has the ability to view reports with drilldown details, access report downloads, perform data queries, and download data for their college into the DAX system. Examples: Institutional Research assisting with error correction, Advanced grant writers, Advanced Institutional Effectiveness.
 *Data Verifier This role has the ability to view reports with drilldown details, access report downloads, perform data queries, download DDM data, download data for their college into the DAX system, and generate and sign affidavits.
Report Roles
 Report AccessAs the most limited report role, users with this level of access will have permission to view reports. Examples: Any employee that needs to see basic reports without detailed information: faculty or staff.
 Report Detailed AccessIn addition to what the Report Access role allows, this role will give users access to drilldown details within reports. Users in this role will have access to data with personal identifying information. Examples: Financial Aid Directors, Institutional Research Assistants, Person(s) Responsible for Perkins Reporting, Institutional Effectiveness.
Specialty Roles
 *President This role has the ability to view reports with drilldown details and sign affidavits.
 *Human Resources This role has the ability to view Personnel and HR reports and perform data queries on all college data in DAX.
 Committee Member This role has the ability to view reports with drilldown details, access report downloads, perform data queries, download DDM data, and generate and sign affidavits for their college, and view DDM data for all colleges.
 Committee Editor This role has the ability to view reports with drilldown details, access report downloads, perform data queries, download DDM data, and generate and sign affidavits for their college, and view DDM data for all colleges, and edit validation data and rules.
 AdminThis role has the ability to view reports with drilldown details for all colleges, access report downloads, perform data queries, download DDM data for all colleges, view DDM data overview for all colleges, and edit validation data and rules.

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